Monday 27 July 2020

SAP testing....yet another compliance. How being the best will benefit you!

SAP testing / calculations  aka Standard Assessment Procedure is the assessment used to test your build's performance. I know there seem to be quite a few  procedures and testings to get through and I, for one, know how daunting this can sometimes feel. But, if you knuckle down and plan from the beginning you won't have anything to worry about. These calculations  will soon become second nature.

SAP assessments essentially enable the Government to compare builds across the UK. Imagine being at the top of that table! Plan with your architect right from the beginning. As I have said time and time again, use the resources you have, utilise peoples' knowledge and experience. Experience is something that can't be taught through books.

You would be able to employ a SAP assessor who will be able to ensure that you achieve the highest possible standard to pass your assessment should you employ them from the initial stages. Essentially they will work from the plans that your architect has drawn up. These plans need to be on point. (I can't stress how important it is to have a close, comfortable working relationship with your architect.) This is something that will evolve over time, although you will know fairly instantly if you will be able to work together or not. You need to be able to communicate well, you know what you want and your architect knows how to implement it. This will be one of the most important relationships you'll have and you'll likely want to use the same architect for each of your projects.

Essentially your SAP assessor will work from your architect's drawings and will provide you with your predicted energy performance certificate. The assessment will quantify a home's performance in terms of energy . This will determine the environmental impact of the building while maintaining a comfortable living space for all occupants. The ratings provided are from 1-100 and based on the energy cost of that build over a year. The higher the score the lower the running costs for that dwelling. The results are based on factors such as the heating and hot water systems, the internal lighting, the renewable technologies that are used within the building and the elements of the structure.  The SAP test will obviously need to be finalised at the completion stage. From your final assessment you will receive your EPC (energy performance certificate). Remember that your results will be logged in the central register.

Construction is one of those industries where there are many different levels. For example you can produce top quality builds, mid-range or lower end so you really do need to know your clientele. Having said that, working to a budget doesn't mean that you have to take a knock with your compliances. Planning and working closely with your architect and assessor will allow you to achieve the best results possible. In fact, it can actually be more costly to make alterations once the work has been completed. Do it right the first time, not just right but the best it can be.

By getting excellent results in your SAP calculation you'll receive lower running costs from your build and achieve the best results will allow you to stay ahead of your competitors and who doesn't want that?

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