Wednesday 29 July 2020

Eco building- construction at its best. Top tips on which materials to consider when building green.

So we are at the point where eco homes are homes of the future. We need and want them to sustain and one of the hardest decisions to make is what materials to use. Firstly you need to think about the look of your home; your materials will play a massive part in the aesthetics of your build. You need to find materials that work together with your idea, the style of your home and ones that provide the best eco benefits.

There are many materials that you can consider and I unfortunately don't have the time to talk about each and every one so, I thought it was best that I discussed the most obvious. Starting with timber, you have the option here to choose sustainably grown timber which not only provides you with natural materials but also allows you to essentially give back what you take. You also have the option of using recycled timber which can add to the 'look' of your home. 

Natural stone is another good material and limestone for example is fire-resistant, sound-absorbent and strong. The downside here is that this material isn't replenishable and it is not always local so you will have to consider the transportation process.

Concrete is another material that is often considered and in fact, at the moment seems to be on-trend. It is strong, low maintenance, fire resistant and ages well. This is a man-made material and the process isn't often as eco friendly as you might think. 

What you might not have thought about is how your materials are sourced, how you get them to your site, how far they have to travel and if they are replenishable. These are all factors that play a part in your build. If you're set on building an eco home I would imagine that the impact on the environment plays a big part in your choice of materials. You can build your home to the highest eco standard but if the production process itself contributes harmfully to the environment then you may have forgotten your goal.

Your eco future will be mapped out once you have your home, your bills will be lower and your environmental impact will be small in comparison.

Here is a site that has some amazing ideas on different materials that you can use, some you might not have even thought of let alone considered.

Sometimes you may think that an idea seems a bit strange but do your own research, things are only strange when we don't understand them. From knowledge we get growth. Eco homes are thankfully here to stay, lets play our part in providing a sustainable eco friendly future for the generations to come.

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